I never thought much about keeping the Sabbath until high school. While I went to church, and enjoyed two large meals with my family (breakfast and dinner), I didn’t necessarily seek ways to rest. In fact, I remember studying for AP exams in the afternoon.
But at some point, I had two friends who shared how they didn’t study on Sunday. The idea was quite foreign to me, and I was concerned that if I took a day off every week, I would never be able to get everything done. Nonetheless, I decided I should.
You can imagine my surprise when I found that taking Sunday as a day to focus on public worship, to reflect on the previous and coming weeks, to read good books that I enjoyed, did not hinder my studies. I am quite sure this has been true in college as well. In fact, I suspect that not taking a day of rest may often do more harm than good.
Yesterday, one of my professors, Dr. Bibza, mentioned the Sabbath in class. He explained that instead of asking whether Christians “have to obey” the Sabbath, we should be asking whether we “should keep” the Sabbath. Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for man, and it is a wonderful gift to have one day as a rest from all our labors. One day, as Dr. Bibza put it, that you needn’t feel guilty for not slaving away.
Many Christians feel overworked and overwhelmed. I know because I hear the way we talk to each other about our lives. We’re crazy busy. What difference might keeping the Sabbath make? Might it bring rest to us, as it has to God’s people for generations?
I should add that I believe that even those not keeping the Sabbath for God would still find wisdom in taking one day of rest. The pattern of working hard six days and resting one is woven into the fabric of the universe, was God’s pattern in creating; not to take one day is bound to make things harder than they need to be.
So I encourage you: Work hard, and rest. Keep the Sabbath, to honor God and to preserve your sanity.
Question: What has been your experience in keeping the Sabbath or taking a day of rest?