Alex Watt

About Blog Hacks Recommendations

My Top Nine Study Hacks

These are a few of the more practical things I have learned during my first semester at Grove City College. If you have tips to share as well, please leave a comment!

Rainbow Bridge at Grove City College

  1. Plan and work ahead. Large assignments lose some of their terror and take less time when broken into small pieces. I studied well past midnight once, stuck on a homework problem, and decided to start homework the day it was assigned from then on.
  2. Study with the quiz and recall method. I learned this from Cal Newport, though I used it unknowingly in high school. Reading your notes again will only get you so far.
  3. Condense your notes as you go. For one engineering class, I found it useful to keep an 8.5” x 11” note sheet up-to-date on my computer. We were allowed such a sheet on each exam. For another class, I made a study guide throughout the year. These made finals much easier.
  4. Get enough sleep. Research continually shows that sleep enables top performance, while deprivation can cause health problems.
  5. Take a day off. Some may disagree, but I believe this was woven into creation. I always look forward to Sunday, when I can worship and fellowship without the pressures of homework or to-do lists.
  6. Find a study partner. I noticed early in the semester that I wasn’t keeping up with my uncollected Calculus III homework. So I found someone to do homework with, which kept me on track.
  7. Work hard and play hard. When I’m studying, I am away from online distractions and my space is quiet. When I’m relaxing, I am completely present for that too.
  8. Do a few things well. This is the idea behind Cal Newport’s Zen Valedictorian.
  9. Have a routine. I find my day is usually more productive when it is scheduled. I also like to get up early, which allows me to get ready for my day and do the most important things before classes.

Question: What are some of your favorite study hacks?

Posted on 09 Jan 2015.